Welcome To Kingsburg Covenant Church!
Whether you are worshipping with us in-person or online, we are thankful for you. Our heart’s desire is to welcome you and help you feel like family because ultimately that’s what church is called to be – not a building and not an event, but the family of God. We aren’t perfect, but the One we belong to is. It’s because of Him that we are learning to walk together in love and joy and hope. We want to invite you to join in! A few things we believe will stand out during your time with us are:

A Warm Welcome
If you worship with us in person, you can come expecting to meet people who are eager to help you, serve you, and get to know you better. If you worship with us online, email us at postmaster@kingsburgcov.org and we’ll send you weekly Thursday emails with information on Sunday’s Service and other church family updates.

We believe that God is true to His Word and that He actually shows up when His people gather together to worship Him. We aren’t just going through the motions, nor are we trying to put on some slick performance; we desire to draw close to Him even as He draws close to us. We trust that you will experience His majesty, His holiness, and His great love when you join us as we praise Him, pray to Him, and learn together from Him.

You can expect a Bible-based message that will encourage, challenge and empower you to follow after Jesus throughout your week. You will walk away not just knowing what the Bible says, but what God is saying to you in your life circumstances.